Wednesday, July 20, 2011


It's been a long time since I last wrote! A lot of stuff has happened within the last 1 1/2 months.
We had to put our dog Kodi to sleep at the end of June. He just kept getting sicker and sicker. The vet was pretty sure it was cancer. He stopped eating and they couldn't find anything wrong that would cause it. He had an ultrasound and they didn't see anything in his stomach but they think it was cancer in his intestines that couldn't be seen by the ultrasound. My mom was really upset about putting him to sleep. I was too but I tried to prepare myself to expect it from the very beginning.

I've also been working everyday since the end of June. Every morning from 8-11:30 I teach 20 first graders summer school. The first school I was at (for the 1st 2 weeks of summer program) I had kindergarteners. Then I got moved to another school later week where I got my first graders. The difference between the 2 schools and 2 grades is crazy. My first school was in a really nice neighborhood & all my kids spoke english. My 2nd school is in a poorer neighborhood & a few of my kids barely speak english & almost none of the parents speak english at all. It's hard for me because I don't speak Spanish at all. I like my job but I think the company can be unorganized and I'm kinda mad that they just moved me around to a different school in the middle of program. I don't think it's good for the kids to keep having new teachers every other week & me having to re-train them to my rules. I'm going to be working with them in the fall for the after school program they have, if I don't get a better job before the school year starts.

Also how awesome was the new Harry Potter? My sisters & I went to go see it at midnight last week. It was amazing & everything I wanted it to be. Although I think Harry & Ginny have no chemistry together at all, everything else was great. I will probably go see it again this weekend :)

Anyways, I have to start getting ready for bed. If I'm not in bed by 10, I'm too tired at work. It's not good to be tired when you have to watch 20 6-7 year olds! Good night!

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