Tuesday, August 21, 2012

To Do List!

So many things & I'm too lazy to stay focused! So I am making a to do list that I probably should print out & look at everyday. I figure this list is good to last me until the end of the year.

1. Study for the GRE!
2. Study for the CBEST!
3. Work on application to go back to school to get my teaching credential.(By Nov. 1st).
4. Apply for Teach For America (altho I don't think they would accept me anyways)
5. Keep up to date with lesson plans at work.
6. Keep looking for a better job cuz I need $$
7. Practice driving (altho it won't matter if I get my license or not since I don't have a car or car insurance which I can't afford unless I get a better job).
8. Read as many books as possible since I won't have time to read for fun if I go back to school.
9. Pay off my credit card.
10. Start saving for Christmas. Annnnd start thinking about good present ideas.
11. Get a flu shot earlier this year! I spent all last fall sick.
12. Remind myself to take a deep breath & everything will be ok when my anxiety starts up. (I pretty much have it under control now except it does bother me whenever something interrupts my normal routine like work starting again this week has set it off).
13. Keep baking new things!

And there are many more things I need to do but this is a good starting point. I should probably try to put dates to get some of them done by but oh well. It's time for bed, tomorrow work starts again for the new school year.

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