Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

So I have a job interview tomorrow. I had one on Friday for a job at a shoe store but I didn't get it. Tomorrow's interview will be the 3rd one in a month so hopefully 3rd time's the charm.

I'm still having problems with my anxiety. Somedays I don't like to get out of bed. I just try to think positive thoughts & I've noticed that days I hang out with my boyfriend, are days I feel better.  Maybe he is my good luck charm. It's time for me to be an adult and it freaks my mind out & won't allow me to stay calm. I think that's the problem with me lol. Either that or I just need a really good cry.

I really want to start doing yoga or something. I think that would be a good way to help relieve my anxiety, so if you know any good dvds or something to get me started, let me know!

Anyways, have a great Easter! <3

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